Udemy Course – 1100 students later

In early December, I wrote about working on something exciting, a Udemy course on product managing life. One month later, and it’s been a crazy ride.

Basically, in 2023, I wrote a book on applying product management to personal life, and this course was based on it. I talked with a friend who told me video might be a better medium and inspired me to jump into water and “just do it”.

So far the course has reached 1100+ students, and got a lot of very good reviews. I also got some harsher ones and some notes on what to improve. All of which I am grateful for and will think through.

It’s been an interesting journey – truth to be told, that’s only just begun – but it’s been rewarding.

I also had a chance to overcome my discomfort when it comes to recording myself, which is a good bonus, and it’s been a nice learning experiment.

P.S. Read more about the course here

P.P.S. Stay tuned for some more exciting things I’m working on!

(hint: Might start something interesting with a friend and colleague from PhD studies, and that something has to do with GenAI)



