Product Management Lessons from My Frenchie

After a slightly dark humor post on product management lessons from Dexter Morgan – I thought it would be nice with something less “serial-killer” and more “cutesy”. And what better than Frenchies?

Here are some product management lessons I learned from my little friend, Knox.

#1 Taste and Opinions

Frenchies are incredibly opinionated about what they like and dislike – be it food, toys, or even specific walking routes. Good product managers should have product taste. It’s up for debate how opinionated a PM should be, and how informed their opinions are… However, I honestly believe that a good product manager needs to have product taste.

Now, what do I mean by product taste? I think Elad Gil describes it nicely in Stripe Guides article “Building a Great Product Organization”, under characteristics of great product managers:

Product taste means having the insights and intuition to understand customer needs for a product in a given area. What product features will wow a customer or meet their core needs? If the PM is joining you from another industry, they may not know the specific needs of your customers. However, they should have the skill set and toolkit to quickly learn about your customers and their needs.

#2 Zoomies

Zoomies are random bursts of energy when dogs or cats typically frenetically run in circles. Frenchies are notorious for zoomies.

When Knox gets the zoomies, he’s full of energy for a short time. This taught me to capitalize on periods of intense focus and productivity personally, or within the team. These short sprints or bursts of creative energy can be very effective.

Additionally, zoomies can be a metaphor for deep work or flow. A Frenchie with zoomies is 100% focused on the moment, much like a professional in the state of deep work.

#3 Downtime

Frenchies know how to balance playfulness with downtime. After zoomies or moments of intense play, come long naps. This taught me the importance of balancing hard work with rest and recovery to maintain productivity and creativity.

#4 Resilience (Despite Challenges)

Despite their small size and some health challenges, French bulldogs are surprisingly resilient. Whether it’s finding creative ways to climb onto the couch or pushing through a long walk despite their shorter snouts, Frenchies don’t give up easily. They adapt to their limitations with determination and a cheerful spirit.

Just like Frenchie navigates his obstacles, a product manager needs to persist in refining and evolving the product, even when faced with setbacks. Challenges are inevitable, but instead of seeing them as barriers, we can view them as opportunities to innovate.

#5 Curiosity and Experimentation

Frenchies are naturally curious. They sniff around, explore new corners, and investigate anything unfamiliar. This curiosity and willingness to explore reminds of the value of experimentation in product management.

Just like a Frenchie exploring a new territory, a product manager should embrace a mindset of testing, iterating, and learning from different approaches.

Does this resonate? Anything else you think we can learn from Frenchies?



