• Product Management Lessons from My Frenchie

    Product Management Lessons from My Frenchie

    After a slightly dark humor post on product management lessons from Dexter Morgan – I thought it would be nice with something less “serial-killer” and more “cutesy”. And what better than Frenchies? Here are some product management lessons I learned from my little friend, Knox. #1 Taste and Opinions Frenchies are incredibly opinionated about what…

  • 3 Interesting Examples of Everyday Agility Beyond Tech

    3 Interesting Examples of Everyday Agility Beyond Tech

    There is a whole world of Agile beyond software, technology, and ‘typical’ environments, and Agile in a low- or non-tech context. It’s super interesting, relatable, and illustrates the Agile mindset and principles nicely – but it is not the first thing people think about when they think Agile. This is why I wanted to share…

  • 🔪🩸 5 lessons on Product Management – from Dexter Morgan

    🔪🩸 5 lessons on Product Management – from Dexter Morgan

    Monday was a bank holiday in the UK, which meant I had a long weekend for myself. Which I spent by literally not doing anything and binge-watching Dexter. As we wait for 2 new seasons – a prequel and a sequel – thought I’d share some thoughts about product management inspired by ‘America’s favorite serial…